Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is coming

and I am no where near ready. It is just a day over two weeks and I have lots still to do and to buy. Where does the time go?? I have bought a few gifts over the last two weeks and have to wrap those. Little man's B-day is the 23rd so I need to buy and plan for that day too. So much to do ... so little to time.
Gonna have to start finding extra time to work on the quilty items each night. I have three quilts to complete - hope I can get them all done if not I am not going to worry about it they will just be late Christmas gifts. I will just have to prioritize in order to get what I can done with the time I have left. So .... that might mean no extra time cleaning the house .... sewing comes first right??
Here is it early December and we are having thunderstorms and temps in the 60s. Go figure! Last week it was in the teens at night and 40s for the highs. No wonder we have all had colds around here.
until next time ...

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